Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tonight. . .

I sat at my favorite gelato place around the corner and read my Machiavelli assignment. Then the music started up on the little stage, and they started to play Buddy Holly and Stray Cats -- Basically music that I either grew up with or swing danced to and it was such an amazing meeting of my two worlds =) Many people were dancing and I loved watching them. . . it was just so happy! (albeit I did miss Caitlin Panis) I'm really going to miss Florence when I have to leave. . . Five weeks once seemed like the perfect length of a trip, but now I feel like I just got settled and then I have to leave. ::sigh:: I will just have to come back and stay longer at another time! and learn Italian before then. . . that would be good. Being in Firenze makes me very happy and I am so glad I'm having this experience and learning about some place new =) Bouna Notte!


  1. Buona notte! once you are hooked on Firenze, you will return!

  2. that is AMAZING!
    and i just realized i can comment...haha
    i miss jen fingal
